Thursday 14 December 2017


Kevin  Barron must surely be  THE  most prolific letter writer to the m-uk collector editions.   His response to my comments about the 1980's era has in turn generated a lot of feedback  including this letter from  Rob  Kirby in the latest issue of   ESSENTIAL   X-MEN.

Kirby  is quite an authority on the subject of marvel uk  as he proves here.


  1. I knew Kevin quite well about 20 years ago, encouraging him to write his own comic strips and showing him the sights of London when he visited from Yorkshire. We lost touch somewhere in the intervening years, and I've not managed to track him down since.

    Kevin was a very promising writer who knocked out a novel on an old dot-matrix printer which I shamefully failed to read very much of. I'd love to know if he ever pursued that.

  2. wow, talk about synergy, had no idea that you knew one another.

    I must also put up scans of my letter and Kevin's from earlier issues.

  3. Ed, I ran a comic strip-based anthology fanzine called Defective Comics that clocked up over a hundred issues. Besides developing my own writing, I considered part of my role there as encouraging and guiding other people to create their comics and find their voices. Fun times.

  4. That's an impressive number to reach.

    I've never written for comics but I have submitted short fiction to magazines such as INTERZONE.

    As promised, I've put up scans of those letters in a separate post.

  5. Did you have any success with Interzone? I never sold any fiction to them, though they did review one of my fanzines very favourably.

    I found Interzone in its Brighton incarnation tended to favour the same few writers too much (such as Richard Calder's Lord Soho sequence), to its detriment, but could throw out the occasional gem. Evelyn Lewis' poorly researched TV column which began in 2001 finally drove me away from resubscribing.

  6. No luck so far, just the standard rejection each time.

    I've started writing a new story, set in a mad max type future.

  7. Ed, By sheer coincidence I have a new book out this week!

    Details and press release here (it's available in the UK on kindle only, I think), I'm the Rik half of the operation, BTW ...
