Saturday 7 July 2018


After  Harlan  Ellison's  famously  negative  review  of    STAR WARS  ,    Mark Hamill   retaliated in  this  STARLOG  interview  :

Needless to say ,  Ellison  dashed off an angry letter in reply  ;

The pair later made up after Ellison wrote a more positive review of   EMPIRE  STRIKES  BACK.

The writer also took Sean Connery  to task in another letter over the  script for   OUTLAND.

I also recall an Ellison interview from the 90's magazine  SCI-FI  UNIVERSE  in which his antipathy for STAR TREK  and its fans reached new heights.

His involvement with  BABYLON 5  would partly account for this since the two shows were by then deadly rivals.

I'll post that interview here at some point.

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