Monday 23 April 2018


Made  a  few  new  discoveries  over  the  weekend  and  I  wanted  to  share  them  here.

First up,  who remembers   MONKEY   !   from  the  early  1980s  ?

If  ever  there  was a  tv  show with   '  cult   '   written  all  over  it,  this was the one.   Utterly  bonkers and  an absolute  hoot  from  start  to  finish.

But  how many of you know that a new rebooted version has just been made  ?

I  sure as hell didn't until I read this piece in the mirror tv mag last Saturday  :

Good luck with that one  !

Secondly,   I was fortunate enough to pick up an issue of   FILMFAX  in FP last week.    I didn't even know the magazine  was still in print.    Here is the cover of issue 151  :

I also was unaware that the same publisher brought out   FANTASTIC   FILMS   back in the 1980s as seen in this  back issue ad page  :

A  closer look at those pages reveals that the title changed to   FILMFAX   PLUS   after issue 100.

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