Wednesday 2 May 2018


You've  got  to  hand  it  to   CINEFANTASTIQUE.

Back in the day ,  they would devote a cover story to the latest sci-fi blockbuster and then proceed to eviscerate  and  trash  said movie in the very same article  !

The target of their ire in this case was  LOGAN'S RUN,  one of several sci-fi epics directed by the late  Michael Anderson.

Mr  Anderson  also  helmed   MILLENIUM  and   THE   MARTIAN   CHRONICLES ,  still the finest  piece of  sci-fi  ever  filmed  for  television.

He also made  the ill fated movie version of   DOC  SAVAGE  which although slightly naff by todays standards is  still an enjoyable watch.

Anderson was quite candid abut the problems he encountered filming  DOC  SAVAGE  in a STARLOG interview which  I'll post here soon.

In the meantime,  here is  the cover story on   LOGAN'S  RUN  including  THAT  review :

First up the customary and beautifully painted cover :

Next the intro pages and already you know something is wrong :

Next up the script to screen analysis :

the next page has an image of Anderson himself on the set :

Despite  such reviews , the movie was a box - office hit.

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