Thursday 3 May 2018


Who  now  remembers   MILLENIUM  ?  

A  late 1980's  entry  in the sci-fi  genre,  it already seemed passed  its sell by date even then.

I must have watched it on video at some point but don't recall too much about  it.

I do recall  the STARBURST  critic referring to the   '  deadening touch   '   of  the late  Michael Anderson.

Whether you agree with that description ,   there's no denying that Anderson had a good innings throughout his movie career.

Perhaps most famous for   THE  DAM  BUSTERS  ,  he also made many fine movies including a

personal favourite of mine ,  THE  QUILLER  MEMORANDUM.

He certainly waxed enthusiastically  about   MILLENIUM   in  this   STARLOG   interview from 1989.

Naturally,  a good chunk is given over to the release of    MILLENIUM   but he also  looks back on his past sci-fi  work.

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